About Us
Benevolent Ruler was established in 2016 to promote the re-development of the use of common sense to solve crises and problems that are facing our planet today. This site is dedicated to the belief that all problems are simple when analyzed by objective people with no ulterior motives other than to solve the problem at hand with all the facts on the table using knowledgable input from folks that are considered stakeholders in the short and long term consequences of the solution.
When these principles are not applied or when a solution must be proposed recognizing multiple solutions exist, the benevolent ruler must render an actional solution for implementation for the good of mankind or at best, the stakeholders involved.
The Benevolent Ruler welcomes stupid questions, actual crises and problems and may offer both politically correct solutions or totally rude and insensitive judgements based on an intricate set of rules we make up as we go
The Benevolent Ruler welcomes your feedback and suggestions and reserves the exclusive right to ignore or belittle them in the most comical way. Use our Contact Us page to provide your input.